Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Borderlands Game of the Year Edition

Over the past month I revisited Borderlands cause a few of my friends had picked up the Game of the Year edition that was recently released. Of course, it came at a time when I'd just wiped out my old saves from when I was previously playing, so I basically started over again. The Game of the Year Edition (GOTY) is the main game plus four DLC add-ons on a second disc. It raises the level cap to something like L68 or so, from all the DLCs combined.

I managed to crank a Siren from 1 to 55 or so pretty quickly, but I find myself playing a Hunter more right now, currently at L50. The Hunter definitely dies more than the Siren, but all you really lose is some credits, which you have way more than enough of at the higher levels. The Bloodwing action skill is fast charging even at the start, and very useful for dealing good damage without having to spend time aiming at anything, making for a much more laid back game. The hunter was kind of average until I managed to get enough skill points and the right COM unit to decrease the 28 second action skill recharge to a negligible amount of time, plus get multiple attacks going starting at L36-40.

If you play a Hunter, you probably know that the COM I'm using is a Ranger COM, which decreases the recharge time, increases the number of attacks the Bloodwing has, and increases team accuracy. Also, the mod has a team crit bonus +70% or so, which adds up to some serious extra damage backup from a revolver. I dont have any skill points assigned into any particular weapon at the moment, but I'll probably take the Carrion Call skill to use sniper fire to further decrease the recharge time. Mix in a fast firing sniper rifle, and I could probably fire off that Bloodwing pretty fast even against bosses.

A Ranger presses less buttons to get more done, I find, great for sweeping areas. I wonder how he'll do when he gets to Playthrough 2.5?

Anyways, a bit about the DLCs, aka Tall Tales by Marcus - most of these DLCs are presented as somewhat ridiculous stories that Marcus is telling a little kid.

Moxxi's Underdome:
The Bank is pretty useful, but not absolutely necessary, once you know how you are going to play your character. As for the Arena, I played the 4 basic intro level maps on a Siren with LD's Soldier, and found them to be kind of... long. You have to spend basically several hours of no-reward killing and not dying to get to the main levels, which are also XPless. It took LD and I 4 nights, one night for each map, to finish that. We haven't tried the major levels yet, but since we're both still in our 50s, we have a way to go levelling before we should really concentrate on this no-xp stuff.

General Knoxx's Secret Armory:
Knoxx's is a fun add-on with all the driving, new vehicles, and more Crimson Lance to fight. There's a number of new enemy types to fight so you get a little more variety than you do in the basic game - prisoners, midgets, elemental lance, and jetpackers. The armoury itself at the end sometimes gets glitched on the Marcus version of the mission, if you fall through the floor and take advantage of the chests, so apparently my Hunter is screwed until I can join someone's good unglitched version of the Marcus Sweep.

The Claptrap Robolution:
At the end of the main game, the INAC gets activated, and this DLC plays out what happens after it starts a revolution. Fun, over the top as always, though there is an annoying map called Sander's Gorge which can be kind of a maze. There are a number of Achievements in this DLC that are a pain to get, basically you will have to farm claptrap revolutionaries for a few nights until you get the items dropped, they are kind of rare. (Yes, annoying pizza slices, I"m looking at you.)

The Undead Island of Doctor Ned:
This is probably my favorite DLC, the zombies are a lot of fun to mow through. There are zombies, spitting zombies, zombie Lance, big tank zombies, zombie weapon chests, and even zombie claptraps (I'm just kidding about the claptraps) This DLC and it's achievements were pretty straightforward.

That's it, back to playing my Hunter!
