Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Monday, April 26, 2010

Thinking about Computer Upgrades

My computer had been acting a bit sluggish recently so I figured it was time to wipe the OS and reinstall it. However, the system kept bluescreening my Vista install. I couldn't get around it with whatever BIOs setting changes I had available, so I decided maybe it was time for this hardware to retire. I mean, I'd run it since about 2005. I figured I could at least save the CPU, a decent dual core AMD Athlon II 64 x2 4800+, which was a Socket 939 like my wife's single core computer. But when I installed the CPU on her system, it started crashing too. Also, putting her CPU in my system revived it.

It looks like my CPU had decided to go loony.

So, it was time to start thinking seriously about upgrades.

My system is at the point where if I buy a new CPU, it would start an avalanche of upgrades:
  • Another motherboard with a modern socket to fit the CPU, since Socket 939 is obsolete.
  • New RAM memory as well since my old DDR 400 is not viable for the new CPU/mobo.
  • New power supply to match the sockets on the mobo and video card (why are they 6pin and 8 pin now instead of 4pin and 6pin? sigh)
The only things that I would be able to salvage would be my video cards, hard drives, case, and fans.

Each of the 4 new components - mobo, CPU, memory, and power, would mean $100 for a base model or a $200 for a future proof economical model, or even more for a hobbyist model. (Hello $400 motherboards and $700 CPUs) So I would be spending somewhere between $400 to $800 for the parts.

Those prices are fairly reasonable, however the problem is - what should I get? Or more accurately, which motherboard should I get? Everything hinges on the motherboard.

I want to have full bandwidth for my 2 video cards. SLI or not, I want it to have 16x1 PCIe for EACH card. Often, the data path is one 16x1 that they break down into 8x1 for each card. Thus you get reduced performance for each of the cards. I mean, you get more performance than a single card, but probably nothing like if you have 2 cards each with a dedicated full PCIe path. However, there isn't really a lot of data that I've found that tells me just HOW much bandwidth my video cards use, so I'm not sure if I REALLY need this or if I'm just being a hypochondriac when I think that 2 card SLI isn't running much faster than 1 card.

As a side note, I do want to run a 3 or 4 monitor setup someday. Probably not tomorrow though. The price of an ideal minimum bezel 3x1 monitor setup seems to be just under $2000 right now. I could get some regular widescreens and plug them in but I dunno how that will be. Plus, gaming - 3d games performance is geared for 1680x1050 or 1900x1200 screens, not... 3600x1900 or 4800x1900 screens. I would probably have to turn every detail off and it would probably still bring my video cards to their knees. Sigh. eyefinity gaming, which would handle it, would cost another $550.

I want it to support 3 Gb/s SATA, or even that new 6 Gb/s SATA and USB 3.0 However, I don't have any devices that go anywhere close to that sort of speed. I've always bought the best bang for the buck kind of drives usually. These still rate way higher than my bottleneck CPU and RAM though, so I'm not too concerned about that part of it. I definitely want it to have eSATA since I have an eSATA/USB2.0 HD dock. Especially since 1.5 Terabyte drives cost like $100 now. Currently I plug it in through USB2.0 and it's pretty slow - workable but.... slow.

I want the SATA jacks to NOT get covered by my video cards. My current mobo has 4 SATA jacks - and half of them are covered when I put in the primary video card. Is that on purpose? I mean I could understand if it was the 2nd card that covers the jacks, meaning you should either run the 2nd card OR 2 extra SATA devices due to bandwidth restrictions, but why is it under the FIRST graphics card?

Anyways, this means I am still looking for a good motherboard. Nothing really fits my criteria right now except maybe a 790FX or a 780n board, but those are like a year old now, shouldn't there be something newer/better?

Here's my two best bets right now (with google links):

In the meantime, I bought a used Athlon 64 x2 3800+ CPU for $35, my mobo claims it peaks up at about 100 degrees Celsius when running. :P I don't know if the CPU is bad or if my mobo sensor is bad, haha. It's still working, I mean, but I dont really have much hopes for it's longevity.


btw, ebay is selling my old dead Athlon x2 4800+ CPU for like $200! That's crazy!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Mafia Wars - Hitlist Riding

Here's my biggest xp hitlist ride so far: 2 +19 xp and -6 xp. :D

I wonder how people get so many attacks in such a short span of time? I literally see myself go from full health to zero in the space of a 2 second refresh of my mafia home page. When I try attacking on the hitlist, it takes that many seconds (or more) to refresh between each attack.


0 minutes ago:
You were attacked by [guy who killed me]
You lost the fight, taking x damage and losing $0. Get revenge now!
0 minutes ago:
You were knocked out by [guy who killed me] who claimed the $8,000 bounty on you set by Default Don.
0 minutes ago:
You were attacked by [guy who killed me]
You lost the fight, taking x damage and losing $0. Get revenge now!
0 minutes ago:
You were snuffed in the fight, losing 6 experience points.
0 minutes ago:
You were attacked by [guy who killed me]
You lost the fight, taking x damage and losing $0. Get revenge now!
0 minutes ago:
You were attacked by [guy who killed me]
You lost the fight, taking x damage and losing $0. Get revenge now!
0 minutes ago:
You were attacked by [guy who killed me]
You lost the fight, taking x damage and losing $0. Get revenge now!
0 minutes ago:
You were attacked by [guy who killed me]
You lost the fight, taking x damage and losing $0. Get revenge now!
0 minutes ago:
You were attacked by [guy who killed me]
You lost the fight, taking x damage and losing $0. Get revenge now!
0 minutes ago:
You were attacked by [guy who killed me]
You lost the fight, taking x damage and losing $0. Get revenge now!
0 minutes ago:
You were attacked by El Capitan
[weaker player].
You won the fight, taking x damage and dealing 21 damage to your enemy. You gained 1 experience points and $0. Fight back now!
1 minute ago:
You were attacked by [weaker player].
You won the fight, taking x damage and dealing 4 damage to your enemy. You gained 2 experience points and $65,000. Fight back now!
1 minute ago:
You were attacked by Brigadir [weaker player].
You won the fight, taking x damage and dealing 17 damage to your enemy. You gained 2 experience points and $4.382. Fight back now!
1 minute ago:
You were attacked by Soldier [weaker player].
You won the fight, taking x damage and dealing 5 damage to your enemy. You gained 2 experience points and $65,000. Fight back now!
2 minutes ago:
You were attacked by [weaker player].
You won the fight, taking x damage and dealing 20 damage to your enemy. You gained 2 experience points and $293. Fight back now!
2 minutes ago:
You were attacked by Master Dragon Head [weaker player].
You won the fight, taking x damage and dealing 12 damage to your enemy. You gained 2 experience points and $0. Fight back now!
2 minutes ago:
You were attacked by Oyabun [weaker player].
You won the fight, taking x damage and dealing 19 damage to your enemy. You gained 1 experience points and $0. Fight back now!
2 minutes ago:
You were attacked by El Capitan [weaker player].
You won the fight, taking x damage and dealing 13 damage to your enemy. You gained 2 experience points and $65,000. Fight back now!
2 minutes ago:
You were attacked by Oyabun [weaker player].
You won the fight, taking x damage and dealing 25 damage to your enemy. You gained 2 experience points and $0. Fight back now!
2 minutes ago:
You were attacked by [weaker player].
You won the fight, taking x damage and dealing 9 damage to your enemy. You gained 3 experience points and $59,058. Fight back now!

Friday, April 9, 2010

CIty of Heroes - Kinetic Melee powerset

There's a lot of info that was released at the last PAX conference.

There's going to be a Kinetic Melee power set to be added to Tanks, Scrappers, Brutes and Stalkers, as part of the upcoming "Going Rogue" expansion. It's a slightly 'longer range' melee set, probably in the neighbourhood of 10-15 foot range, like many higher tier attacks in the existing melee powersets. (Isn't think a little redundant with Energy Melee? I mean, people are arguing that there is no Kinetic Armor set because there is already a Energy Armor

Also there is supposed to be some sort of modification made to defender Vigilance. Vigilance currently reduces endurance consumption when you have more people in your group. There's a lot of speculation, people are saying it's something that is supposed to help defenders solo a bit better. Probably some sort of damage increase based on team size. :P

Another thing of interest is that they are adding some sort of advancement system for L50 characters, that is going to be called the Incarnate System. I hope this isn't going to be like Everquest's AAXP system where hardcore players had thousands of AAXP and casual players were not acceptable for raiding unless they had x amount of AAXP.


Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Ace Attorney - Justice for All

I picked up the second Ace Attorney game and I am rather disappointed in it - the first game was much better in both logic and story.

The game starts off with you handling the defense of a policewoman who is accused of pushing her boyfriend off a high spot. The initial autopsy report and 2 photos that you get at the start are enough to absolve her of the crime already, yet you have to go through a lengthy drawn out trial where you are barely winning the case, and choosing the right piece of evidence or profile to advance is more a matter of luck rather than logic.

Wait a minute, Upsen, you said that the initial information presented is enough to absolve her of the crime? Yes, it does absolve her.

1. The autopsy report says that the victim snapped his neck from falling.
2. The 2nd photo shows how the victim wrote the defendant's name on the ground in blood after his fall.

Do you see anything wrong with this? You definitely should! How does a man, who SNAPPED HIS NECK WHEN HE HIT THE GROUND, possibly be able to to write a name in the ground with his blood? He wouldn't have any control of his limbs with a snapped neck! And whoever heard of someone who snapped their neck living past getting their neck snapped?

The defendant is obviously innocent right from the initial evidence.

Instead, we are drawn through a crazy web of details about the name being misspelled and the victim being left handed yet the bloody name is written with his right hand, ugh.

Anyways, the game continues on in this vein with various so-called solutions that would make Rube Goldberg's ideas look like a straight line between A and B. I haven't had the heart to finish it.

I'm terribly disappointed. Also I can't stand Franziska von Karma.
