Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Ace Attorney - Justice for All

I picked up the second Ace Attorney game and I am rather disappointed in it - the first game was much better in both logic and story.

The game starts off with you handling the defense of a policewoman who is accused of pushing her boyfriend off a high spot. The initial autopsy report and 2 photos that you get at the start are enough to absolve her of the crime already, yet you have to go through a lengthy drawn out trial where you are barely winning the case, and choosing the right piece of evidence or profile to advance is more a matter of luck rather than logic.

Wait a minute, Upsen, you said that the initial information presented is enough to absolve her of the crime? Yes, it does absolve her.

1. The autopsy report says that the victim snapped his neck from falling.
2. The 2nd photo shows how the victim wrote the defendant's name on the ground in blood after his fall.

Do you see anything wrong with this? You definitely should! How does a man, who SNAPPED HIS NECK WHEN HE HIT THE GROUND, possibly be able to to write a name in the ground with his blood? He wouldn't have any control of his limbs with a snapped neck! And whoever heard of someone who snapped their neck living past getting their neck snapped?

The defendant is obviously innocent right from the initial evidence.

Instead, we are drawn through a crazy web of details about the name being misspelled and the victim being left handed yet the bloody name is written with his right hand, ugh.

Anyways, the game continues on in this vein with various so-called solutions that would make Rube Goldberg's ideas look like a straight line between A and B. I haven't had the heart to finish it.

I'm terribly disappointed. Also I can't stand Franziska von Karma.



Unknown said...

Was the cause of death the snapped neck? Because it is possible to survive a broken neck. That is after all how you usually end up with a quadriplegic.

Maybe he broke his neck but was actually killed by something like his airway being crushed or swelling in his brain.

Just wondering. :)

Allen said...

I think the game said he died of bleeding or something after he broke his neck. I've been equating a broken neck with a severed spinal cord, which I guess isn't always the case.

Past that point, there are still a lot of irritating things about that trial, from the real perp's glasses being under the victim and him having lost his cell phone etc, to the prosecutor using a whip on the judge, witness, and even you.
