Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Halo Reach: LASO Exodus

This week's LASO is Exodus - thankfully, there are no roomfuls of Elites in this one like last time in Long Night of Solace. I've been playing Borderlands instead of Halo recently though, so I'm probably going to be wrestling with the controls a bit. (like throwing a punch when I meant to zoom in on the scope.)

I'm probably going to give this a go on Friday morning since it's a day off. I gave an open invite to the usual bunch, wonder if anyone is up for it. :D


[...] You'll be granted a nice break from Elites, and instead, you'll be fighting Brutes. While they're certainly more numerous, due to their lack of shields and field ranks, you'll find that neither the Tilt nor Thunderstorm skull has any real effect on them at all, and when it comes to super-combines with needle-based weaponry, the Minors are still just as vulnerable on Mythic as they are on Legendary.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Halo Reach: LASO Long Night of Solace Fail

I tried this LASO over the weekend with DZ and LD. It was absolutely brutal in the 3 player game. I'd looked up the appropriate Tyrant guide for how to do the Mythic run, but we were very solidly trounced by the enemy control room near the end of the map.

The first part wasn't too hard, we basically sprinted up the left beach skipping the fight, and we got a hold of a rocket launcher and the sword as the guides suggested. However, I really wish we picked up a few more missiles, we didn't bother sticking around to pick up reloads. The flight section was laughably easy as well with 3 of us who knew our way around arcade style flying games.

The first part that started getting to be a problem for us was the enemy ship boarding. We were usually able to take out the 2 elite rangers that leap out to the top to greet us. On one try, a third one actually made it up to join us too. The problem was that everything would be on high alert at the bottom by the time we went in, (thanks a lot, marine support) and I think there were about 6 or 8 rangers in total in the main area. We probably died 50 times trying various methods of getting through this sequence, cheering whenever we managed to get a checkpoint farther in. In the end, we had to do the main part of the work with the one sword I picked up - we would loop around, plasma-fire and sword the rangers that jetted up to the upper walkway we were on. I had to save the rocket for breaching the entry to the shuttle bay room, cause there was one ranger with a bunch of hero grunts supporting him.

Once inside the shuttle bay, that was a painful experience too - in the end after clearing as much as we could, it took a suicidal run from DZ for the activation switch to open the bay doors for Noble-5 to come in. Lucky that we weren't required to kill the last 2 sniper rangers, they were so hard to kill.

Getting into the control room was hard but doable. The control room is where we were absolutely stuck. In the Mythic SLASO guide, the player was doing the game solo, meaning there were a few less foes. He also seemed to be a little better off on weaponry too. For our 3 player game though, we couldn't do an assassination run, something would ALWAYS see us. One time we managed to get in far enough to assassinate 2 of the 3 elites at the far end, including the BOB, but that was a one time fluke, I think. Also seeing as it was like 2am, we were not at our best performance any more. In the end after a few different tries at assassinations and just shooting our way through, we gave up in disappointment.

The night after, I tried it solo, but I was too bummed to really persist in finishing it, so after I got to the shuttle bay, I gave up and played some Borderlands instead.

One thing about it though, is that I managed to up my assassination count from about 60 to 120. As another note, our death count was about that too - 120. >_<

Also I killed so many marines (cause they kept gumming up our strategies) that my total score was zero. :P
