Saturday, July 25, 2009

Bought and returned an arcade stick

A while back, I bought the Samurai Shodown 2 download on the Xbox 360 and I was doing pretty miserably with the gamepad. I thought maybe a better controller, an arcade joystick, would help me with the control problems, and at the same time, help with all the other various fighting games that I have, like the Super Street Fighter HD Remix, Soul Caliber etc. So I headed off to the game shop at the local mall, and I picked up a Mad Cats arcade stick. The buttons had a nice feel to them, and the stick was metal with microswitches, which was pretty nice stuff.

Unfortunately, after trying it out for a couple days, I wasn't really doing that much better - the stick's base was too small and moved too much. I didn't like the 8 button layout either, I think I prefer 6. Or maybe I'm just getting too old for these darn reflex fighting games.

I took it back to the shop, where some skinny kid told me I couldn't return it since it was an open box. Of course, this stick is sold "open", there is no plastic wrap inside or outside of the box, and the stick is held in place by a couple of chunks of foam. It seems like he thought he held some power over my situation, and was enjoying my irritation, with a smirking "what are you going to do about it?" attitude. He even had the gall to tell me it wasn't his problem.

Luckily, the manager was around, and I spoke with him. He put the kid in his place, and made the kid process the return. After all, the stick was in pristine condition, that is, exactly as it was when purchased.

The best part of it is that after I got home, I found that the kid refunded me wrong and I have about $15 more than I started with. Not my problem I guess. :D



Unknown said...

Well, depending on how much you're willing to pay, you can always go with this stick instead.

It comes in both single and two player versions and they're working on a 360 adapter and expect to have something before the end of the year.

Allen said...

Kaz, look at this - this one is seriously appealing.

Parts Bundle

Put these in a base of your own design? Wow.

Thanks for the link. :D


Allen said...

Oops, it looks like there is an electronics bundle in addition to that:

Electronics Bundle

Unknown said...

No problem.

Let me know if you actually decide to build something and I'll help you test it. :)

Personally I'm waiting for them to complete the 360 adapter, at which point I'll seriously consider getting one with that and the PC adapter (for MAME).