Friday, December 11, 2009

Mafia Wars (Spamfia Wars)

Here's the good parts:
  • Not much in this game requires you to be constantly in front of the computer so you can easily get up and walk away from it to do other stuff.
  • You can play with your facebook friends.
  • You play a mafia boss, and keep track of various stats - mafia hits, money laundering, wars with other mafia players, rosters of other players on your team etc. It's a nice little playground if if you like the theme.
  • Also, you can level up almost indefinitely if you are good at min/maxing. You get points to do stuff. If you level up, you get a refill of your points. You can get into the position where you can reach the next level up before you finish spending all your points! So, I managed to crank myself a few hundred levels within a month, finishing scenarios that have taken other people a year to do. It did take me a 2nd character to figure out how to do it, and I abandoned my 1st one.

Here's the bad parts:
  • There is always some timer about to refresh in a few minutes, so you are ALWAYS on the game.
  • You have to add enough 'friends' to your Facebook account to reach the maximum number of 501 players in your Mafia - otherwise you are meat for other 501-mafia players. (though in the long run it doesn't matter if people attack you, looking at it from a stats perspective)
  • 501+ Facebook members make for a lot of spam on your Facebook account. Most serious players with large mafias create a fake Facebook account and play the game using that, to avoid the spam on their real facebook account.
  • You don't currently get to choose your character class - they have 3 classes available but they only let you start as a Maniac. Mogul class is gimped and Fearless class is overpowered due to a ridiculously overpowered Top-Mafia bonus for Fearless.
  • You can't restart a new character if you are unhappy with your current character. It takes removing Mafia Wars from your account and waiting 90 days for the data to expire before you can create another character. You can however, create another facebook profile and play a new character from there. (which probably breaks a load of Facebook Terms Of Service agreements.)
  • The game is incredibly buggy and they keep changing the rules, since they know the rules are broken.
  • They don't compensate if rules change. (such as fighting stamina: it used to cost 1 point, then was changed to 2 points for a long time, and then changed back to 1 point - anyone who put points into stamina at the 2-point rate lost out and were never given back the difference.)
  • Not everyone is actually playing the same game. some people get Properties to manage, others get Rackets (scams that cost points to buy) and there are a set of achievements that are based on Properties that Rackets people will never get.
  • There are some RTM (Real Money Trade) elements to the game and a RTM player will always beat a free player.

Anyways thats just the tip of the iceberg on this one, but I dont think I will write too much about it. It is an annoyance to me right now since the latest updates have broken the game interface and I can't use the skillpoint distribution screen. (Makes levelling up a little difficult doesn't it)

Oh well. Back to Lord of the Rings Online. :D


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