Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Long Hiatus

It's been quite some time since my last post. Let's see, what's happened since my last post?

I've stopped playing City of Heroes. I wasn't really playing it enough to warrant paying for it any more, though I'm glad I was able to experience the new L1-20ish Praetorian content before the account expired. It was a lot of fun and fit perfectly with my alt-itis tendencies. Paragon Studios fleshed out that dystopian world pretty nicely.

I started playing a little Diablo II again. I was figuring out how to set up a virtual CDROM again for my crappy boot disk (so wouldn't have to leave the CD in the drive), when I discovered that it's now available as a completely digital download, and I could convert my CD serial codes into an online Diablo serial codes to use the download. After all these years, I'm free of the CDs at last.

I set up a Sorceress and a Necromancer, and I'm finding I play the Necro a lot more than the Sorc, since you basically walk along and let all the minions do the heavy fighting while you watch. The online people I tried playing with all said the game was tuned a lot harder than before. Apparently there was a ladder reset (rankings reset) at the end of September, and Blizzard took the time to up the difficulty settings.

More than Diablo II though, I've been playing Halo: Reach lately on the 360. The legendary solo mode is Really Hard. You get killed in two shots if you're lucky, one shot if you're not. Minions you can usually mow through become a life and death struggle to defeat. Weapons that you can usually rely on like the Assault Rifle become virtually useless unless you're fighting a basic grunt. Insta-hit scoped rifles become the mainstay of your arsenal, and headshots are pretty much the only way to take things down. At least, until you reach things like Elites whose shields essentially ignore rifle rounds, and Hunters who shrug off a full clip of fuel rods. I've had to rely on things that I usually don't use, like plasma pistol charges, vehicle jacking, and a crazy amount of hand-to-hand. I'll probably talk about it more later on, but for now I'm going to try to finish the Pillar of Autumn level on Solo Legendary. (last one left!)


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