Monday, September 22, 2008

What the Carp (Carpal Tunnel Syndrome)

Well all that mastermind playing took a toll on my left wrist - I'd put the all-attack command on the 1 key, and the move-to command on Alt-1, not thinking about the stretch I would have to put my fingers to while using my usual ESDF movement key layout. (and I used my ring finger to hit it, not my little finger) I was fine for a couple of weeks, then suddenly this pain started... instantly I knew what caused it... Hindsight can be so damned clear, but only after the damage is done.

It'd happened before a long time ago when I was playing way too much Everquest, that time it was my right hand from mouse overuse. I basically had to correct the position I held the mouse, and I just played through the pain until it went away. What can I say, I was an EQ addict.

Anyways, I'm not as stupid as I used to be (or at least less addicted) so I took a bit of a break for the past week and let my hands rest. It seems to be mostly recovered now. I'm going to let my masterminds lay low for now though, go back to playing something with a little less micromanagement for a bit. Maybe a brute or something.


Friday, September 12, 2008

New Villain

I've been experimenting the past little while with a thug/storm villain on Champion - the storm set is pretty interesting, it's my first shot at playing a stormie of any sort. However it's not really good at covering healing with just it's O2 Boost power... so when things got tough, the thugs just kind of wilted, even with all the leaderships from the enforcer and myself. After about 18 levels of it, I was getting a bit tired of it. Sure the toggle power is a good one, and gale can do some crowd control, but when your minions are all in the red, it isn't quite enough. So I deleted her and split the concept into 2 different characters. (yay for alt-itis, bleh)

First off is a thugs/dark to cover the healing angle and still have the cloaking and toggling going on... but I still wanted to do a storm mastermind more. So I paired up bots/storm since I know the protector bots do healing/repairs on the other robots, keeping things topped up. So I'm on my way up the lowbie ladder again, currently running at L11. The protector bot at the next level will tell me if I'm happy with this build or not... we'll have to wait and see.


Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Too Human Multiplayer

Last night I had a good session of Too Human with a friend - I was on a Defender and they were on a Commando. We both happened to be L30 so we didn't have to go character juggling and finding odd alts to play, which was cool.

This game needs to address the problems it has with level disparities... The first time I played multiplayer, I logged in a L6 into a game a friend had and he was L40. I died pretty much every encounter even if I tried to stay at range... things were one-shotting me. It really turned me off the multiplayer game at first.

We went through the World Serpent stages, and then Helheim to a little past GARM. I discovered that my Fire-setting ability was locked out in his game's cyber space, which was kind of irritating. I mean, I should be allowed to use if if I'd gotten the ability on my own right? :P

The end bosses are really easy when you have 2 players, one person flees and the other one guns down whatever it is.

Unfortunately we both bit it a couple times so no achievement for surviving the whole level.

We picked up some decent equipment, and I managed to get a weapon that does 1000+ base damage. A couple pieces of red armor too, which cost an arm and a leg to build from blueprints.

Ended the night at L36, 6 levels in about 3 hours, much faster than in single player I think.

Monday, September 8, 2008

First Post

Gods I hate when people do "first post!!1" and add absolutely no content. So anyways, this is still a first post and a quick hello to add some content here.

I'm Upsen, not a pink kitty named Aeris from VG Cats, although I did admire her sarcastic little ways, which is why I selected her for my avatar for the City of Heroes Forums a few years back. I haven't really kept up with reading the comic though for the past while, maybe I should go back and take a look.

I play City of Heroes mainly, though I've dabbled in other games, most of which I no longer play.

As so to be clear about a few things I am a guy, even if I do play female characters about half the time. It just happened that the first chara I got up to L50 in CoH happened to be a female. I have a tendency to create a lot of alts and it was rare that I got something up to max level in a game, so I stuck with the name since it was my "L50, woo woo" character, the one that I got to go places and do things with.

The name doesn't come from Auntie Mame, nor is it a race horse, nor is it a Dwarven town. It was a punny name for the the Super Powers that the character had - Gravity control (get it? gravity? Lift? Bounces foes up and down?)

I tend to play tank style characters more than other types nowadays, no matter what the game is. It's nice be able to survive more than most, even if you aren't the biggest damage/killer around. So if you are a CoH player on Champion looking for a decent tank, I'm generally up for tanking whatever encounter you have in mind.

Although I have to admit I haven't played CoH in the past little while cause of a few Xbox games, urgh.
