Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Too Human Multiplayer

Last night I had a good session of Too Human with a friend - I was on a Defender and they were on a Commando. We both happened to be L30 so we didn't have to go character juggling and finding odd alts to play, which was cool.

This game needs to address the problems it has with level disparities... The first time I played multiplayer, I logged in a L6 into a game a friend had and he was L40. I died pretty much every encounter even if I tried to stay at range... things were one-shotting me. It really turned me off the multiplayer game at first.

We went through the World Serpent stages, and then Helheim to a little past GARM. I discovered that my Fire-setting ability was locked out in his game's cyber space, which was kind of irritating. I mean, I should be allowed to use if if I'd gotten the ability on my own right? :P

The end bosses are really easy when you have 2 players, one person flees and the other one guns down whatever it is.

Unfortunately we both bit it a couple times so no achievement for surviving the whole level.

We picked up some decent equipment, and I managed to get a weapon that does 1000+ base damage. A couple pieces of red armor too, which cost an arm and a leg to build from blueprints.

Ended the night at L36, 6 levels in about 3 hours, much faster than in single player I think.

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