Saturday, August 8, 2009

Fallout 3 - Mothership Zeta

This was a short but sweet DLC for Fallout 3 - it took about 3 nights to get through. I even had to ditch a few hours worth of saves to go back for some audio tapes that I'd missed, for one of the achievements.

A few things to remember before starting this add on pack - travel light, and dont bother bringing any heavy weapons. Fights are at relatively close range, and you will primarily be using the energy weapons you pick up from the aliens. You find some earthly ammunition around, but mainly you'll be working with the alien blasters and rifles that you pick up. I ended with a ton of rifles, and more pistols than I could count. I think I picked up somewhere in the neighbourhood of 4000 or so rounds of alien ammunition (with no ammo perks) Its convenient that the alien pistols, rifles, and cannons all use the same ammo.

There are unique versions too - if you find the shooting range, dont forget to poke around and find the unique rifle and cannon. Do the Albino Radscorp shoot for the Xenotech perk.

It was nice not having to think about radiation for a while. There are also health stations that charge you up to about 80% health or so, so dont worry too much about using stimpaks.

Another nice thing is that Somah can repair with a skill of 75 whenever she is around. Good prices too. I don't think she stays around after you complete the DLC, but I haven't checked.

The only bothersome part to this DLC was the Alien Archivist perk - you have to find 25 recordings at special terminals all through the ship. Here's the order to get them in, so you dont miss any. You can check the fallout wiki for more detail.

1. Holding Cells - 6
2. Engineering Core - 4
3a. Waste Disposal (via Maintenance Level) - 1
3b. Cryo Lab and Cryo Storage - 4 and 2
3c. Research Lab (via Cargo Hold) - 2

Insert space walk interlude...

4. Weapons Lab - 1
5. Experimentation Lab - 3
6. Biological Research - 1
7. Living Quarters - 1


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