Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Achievements to go in RE5

Remember to say thank you when your partner heals you. I mean, use the stupid thanks-button option that makes the character say "Thanks Pardner!" or "I owe you one!" in the game.

Who uses a thanks-button when you have voice communications? Saying thanks is much easier than pressing a thanks-button when you're still knee-deep in Licker Beta monsters trying to stay alive.

Anyways, after I found out about that 30 point achievement, I took the unlimited rocket launcher, and a big stash of herbs in all the other slots for both Chris and Sheva. Then once the game was loaded up, I blew myself (Chris) up over and over with the rocket launcher, and Sheva would heal Chris. Every time she healed Chris, I pressed the thanks-button. After a couple save and loads, I got the achievement. So instead of blowing up just Chris, I blew up both Chris and Sheva to exit the level - how is that for achieving a certain level of trust?

I still dont have the achievement for killing Majini with a electrical transformer - the AI is too efficient with weapons to let an environmental object do the killing.

Likewise for Be the Knife and Lead Asprin- the AI wont stop and let me try arrow deflections or wait for a Majini to jump in, it just snipes instead.

Maybe I'll try doing a game where Sheva is not armed, or just try it in multiplayer some time.


p.s. Almost done collecting BSAA emblems!

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