Friday, May 15, 2009

Resident Evil - Professional Mode

I went through the last level of Veteran mode with T and we unlocked Professional Mode on my Xbox 360. It went pretty quickly, but it was a little bit disappointing, since I was fooling around with the rocket launcher and we took out the end boss before he even jumped up to the ledge to chase Sheva. I mean, I was lobbing rockets at him nonstop before he exposed his weak spot, and it wasn't doing anything, but as soon as the spot appeared, he was down. We were stunned that we could actually kill him with sheer damage and not go through the whole complex sequence of button tapping and scope aiming. it was a bit disappointing actually, as it became easier than the Wesker fights where rockets were being dodged left and right.

So anyways we went on to the Professional Mode to give it a try. (we left the rocket launcher behind, cause of the disappointing end-game stage earlier) In professional mode, even if you are wearing armor, a Majini grabbing you or even SHOOTING you with an arrow means you are instantly in dying status. It makes the solo sections quite a bit tougher. A dog mauling, strangely enough, was minor damage, at about 20% while armored. Also, enemies weren't actually any harder to kill than they were before, they just do nastier damage when they actually hit.

We didn't really get far enough to see what enemy gunfire does, I'd imagine it would put you into dying status since arrows do. Then again I could be wrong, it is a Capcom game after all, where a punch does 400pts base damage and a machine gun bullet does 200pts after $100k of upgrades.

We went through 1-1, 1-2, and 2-1, taking down the Executioner and Chainsaw Majini with shotguns, SW-500 magnum and Beretta M93R. You get a heck of a lot more points for clearing levels at this difficulty, I think we scored 2000 points on an A and 2500 points on an S, double the usual amount. There was definitely a lot of ammo missing from the stage - even the resupply points were empty. However that didn't really matter to the unlimited ammo option we had available. Speaking of unlimited ammo, it really does kill your accuracy rating when you know you can just fire off some more bullets to ensure a hit. I should stop doing that, it's costing me in points.


Achievements: (aside from Veteran finish)

While waiting for T to finish a game of Virtua On, I picked up the Lead Asprin achievement at the beginning of stage 3-2 - snipe a majini and 3 or 4 of them will rush your platform. Just blow their heads off as they jump up. It took me a few re-loads to get the sweet spot.

Also picked up the Masters of Removing while solo - I let Sheva shoot Jill's electronic system while I restrained her, until one of the animations was of blood instead of electrical crackle, then I manuevered Sheva into restraining Jill, and did the removal. It was actually pretty quick once you know what you need to do.

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