Monday, January 19, 2009

IO set builds versus non-IO set builds - A Side-by-Side Comparison

I did all the levelups for my secondary tank, Fires of Conviction so he is now L35 like Tenmos.

So after all these millions of inf I've spent on IOs, what do I have to show for it? Is it actually worth while to do all this IO slotting? Let's see what these two tanks look like side by side at L35.

Fires has better HP regen and Endurance recovery than Tenmos. (cause Fires has Fitness Pool Health and Stamina.) Fires has way more HP, since he has had time to fully slot his High Pain Tolerance.

Fires has more powers that are optimally slotted - Tenmos will need more slots to get his powers all slotted out properly, and may run into a shortage later on.

Tenmos has somewhat better defenses (about 4% better for all elemental types)

Fires has somewhat better resistances cause he has more slots in Tough.
(5% better Smashing/Lethal)

Attack-wise, Fires is much harder hitting at the moment. A bit lower in accuracy but about 30% more damage, and 10% less endurance used. That's the difference between 4-slotting and 6-slotting.

Tenmos has more accuracy from a Kismet but Fires could slot the same for the cost of a little more endurance use on his status protection.

So, at this moment in L35, the IOs are a mixed bag. I am doing a lot less damage than I should be doing at this time, but I can make up for it using hasten and buildup. I'm also slightly better on the whole with the higher defenses.

Considering that Tenmos is not quite fully slotted out, there is a lot more room for growth. Fires on the other hand, has 6-slotted a good number of powers, meaning they are already at their optimum performance level. Once Tenmos hits 50 and I get him more fully IO-slotted, the differences between Tenmos(IOed) and Fires(non-IOed) should be quite pronounced.

Overall, it is very worth while to slot with IOs.


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