Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Left 4 Dead

Usually I have a slight aversion for zombie and horror stuff, it really isn't my thing. But this game was pretty well done - the zombie 'infected' are believable within the setting and the discussion and responses from the 4 main characters are fun to watch. (even if they are a bit cliche)

I played the No Mercy level in the solo game on Normal difficulty. In this scenario, you have to make it from a rooftop safe spot to a hospital, since a helicopter is announcing they are picking up people there. Wading through levels and levels of infected, it was a lot of fun. Ammo is never really an issue unless you spray at every noise you hear. Even the default unlimited-ammo pistols are pretty good unless you're fighting some of the top level foes.

I was also surprised at how playing with surround sound on was really useful for figuring out where the enemies were, especially the crying witches you are supposed to avoid. Usually surround is more of a window dressing, nice but not needed. But here it was important, and I imagine in the expert difficulty it will be indispensable.

I got about half way up the hospital's renovation construction area when T popped online and asked if I wanted to try and multiplayer it. I hit the reply button and started texting him back and realized that the game doesn't pause when you are in the community menus - you actually have to hit the start button to pause the solo game before you go do texting etc.

We started fresh on No Mercy again, and in multiplayer, the infected seem to be placed randomly. A few times there were witches directly in the path that were not avoidable, and we had to take them down. I actually lucked out with a shotgun blast on one of these unavoidable witches, getting the Cr0wnd achievement for blowing off her head in one shot, and the Witch Hunter achievement for taking her down before she hurt anyone.

After we reached the end and were trying to make it to the helicopter, I was unfortunately knocked off the building before I could get in - the game ended with a movie credits roll that started off with the line "In memory of Upsen Downs". Blah! I didn't get the level completion, and T had to get going. So I decided to give it another shot on my own. (with 3 computer NPCs)

It took a few tries and some pipe bomb hijinks, and I got everyone to safety, but I still didn't get the level completion achievement - why?? Eventually I re-read the actual achievement text and found it said it was awarded for surviving the 'campaign' - perhaps it means I have to play in the campaign mode instead of the solo mode to get it. Oh well. I'll get it some other day I guess.

As an aside, the pipe bomb is great - it attracts the infected to it! So if you are getting overwhelmed, a pipe bomb will totally distract everything over to it, taking them all out when it blows up... though I don't think it attracted the crying witch this one time we tossed one almost next to her. It was very useful during the last few frenzied moments of trying to get on the helicopter.

I don't know how well the game will fare for longevity - we finished the whole scenario in under 2 hours and it was 1 of 4 available. But it was definitely a lot of fun.


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