Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Synapse Task Force Duo

After finishing the Positron TF without any problems the other day, I figured I'd give Synapse a try. At first I tried to recruit for a group, but there weren't any takers. So I got some SG mates to give me a hand filling out a group so I could start a duo with my tanks.

The big question for this one was - can 2 tanks as a duo deal enough damage to take down an AV?

It took about 2.5 hours to finish herding or tank-stealthing all the missions except the last one with the Clockwork King in it. Even the King mission itself was easy enough, no real threat of defeat like in Positron. Until I hit the Clockwork King Arch Villain himself. Basically we were at a standstill, I wasn't able to deal enough damage with just Scorch equipped with DOs. Neither was the King - I had surrounded him with even-con minions and was boosting regen with it. (though I wasn't really sure I actually needed it, it was more of a "Well I herded up this bunch and there is the King, let's add him in." sort of thing)

So while one tank was tanking the mess, I took the other tank out to pick up some IOs from the Wentworths and a tray of small damage inspirations from the Arena. 1 Acc, 2 damage, and 1 recharge DO were replaced with 1 ACC IO, 3 dmg IO. Took about half an hour, cause I was trying to find large damage insps around with no luck.

I went back into the mission, slotted both tanks with the IOs, and the damage was just shy of even. I burned off the insps too, but they didn't really last very long.

So I started using my unslotted Boxing pool power, and that made the difference, I beat down the Clock King with Tier 1 attacks and pool powers. :D

Now, I have the Synapse task force badge and L21 on my two tanks. Wish I'd taken some pictures of it. It's not really an experience I'd care to repeat, there are just so many clear-all missions in Synapse. :P


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