Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Elite Armor, and Farming blah.

Only 2 things left to do in the game - find all the wells (I guess I'm still missing some secret area well or something, I think my stats chart says I've found 13) and get a 7 piece Elite Armor set.

I guess I can find a walkthrough some time and get at the wells, but the Elite Armor set now, that is a different story. I was occassionally getting red drops off Grendel, but it doesn't seem to happen often enough to play through Hall of Heroes over and over again with the intention of completing a red armor set.

I found a little trick off a youtube video of how to farm a particular spider. Basically what you do is you take a (laser) rifle or cannon into level 3-4, and fight through until you get to a smallish reverse-C shaped green room. There is an optional well at the bottom of a ramp attached to the far end of the C. The other way to describe it is the room before the conveyor belt room. For me, I usually find a Troll - Spider - Troll set of foes in that room.

From this C-shaped room, you step up to the next door so that you are looking into the belt room. Standing on the grey pad is best, the farthest spot you can stand while getting the door to open. As the doors open, you'll see a spider standing at the base of the robot arm. If you time it right and start firing/aiming as the doors open, the spider doesn't respond and just calmly stands there and eats laser fire. Nothing else in the room will spawn either if it's done right. Occassionally the spider will arch back from the damage and the damage stops briefly. It takes my Bio-E two rifle clips (330ish damage) to take one spider down this way. Either way, you will find that the spider will die and drop loot. Sometimes it drops RED loot. If you want the loot that it drops, just wait around a bit, eventually the dropped loot will come to you automatically. You can laser the goblins and elves that spawn while waiting in the C-shaped room, or you can back up a bit so the doors close and you're not at risk from getting hit by some evil status effect. (as a Bio-E I didn't really care)

Here's the trick part - if you back away from the belt room door and head down the ramp to the well, the belt room resets. You have to just get both feet on the ramp and you're good. When you head back to the belt door, you will find another spider waiting for you. Kill it, check if the loot is worth waiting for, and reset when ready.

Things that can go wrong:
- You get too close to the door and you activate the whole room. They won't run into your room, but you will have to deal with the spider shooting arrows at you and random artillery fire from 2 dark elves. If any of they are status effect guys you'd better have a heal+status effect fix on hand to save yourself. Which leads to the 2nd point:
- If you die, you appear in the conveyor belt room with the door locked behind you. (just as a side note, a laser *rifle* is able to take out the spider's arrow automatically if you are locked on the spider - the firing paths intersect and your laser can deal enough damage to take it out. the cannon isn't in a high enough position to do this.)
- If you do try to take out the spider after it's active, you have a limited amount of time before the game decides to despawn the spider. I don't know if it's cause the spider is standing too close to the robot arm base and gets pushed in somehow, or if the spider can't reach you, I just know it happens when the spider is active.
- You fall asleep while farming and accidentally run into the room.

I did it for about an hour or so one day, and I got a set of red pistols (yuck) and 2 red runes (bleh). No Elite armor yet for me. I did find a red laser cannon in the shop though that looks like it can do the spider in 1 clip, at about 470 damage. Though I dont really know if it makes any real difference.

I wonder if having all the section tokens helps? I didn't have the Hall of Heroes tokens when I was trying this.


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