Thursday, October 23, 2008

Farming is getting to me

I am getting pretty sick of farming for red drops. Last night I drifted off a number of times while resetting the spider, and I'd only done it for about an hour or so. Maybe I'll just start playing normally again and see what comes. The game's become pretty easy at this point - either the foes drop like flies, or you get dropped by a crazy missile swarm, or for those non Bio-Engineers, any dot-capable foe, especially ballistic immune trolls, and polarity explosions.

I am seeing necrotizing in virtually EVERY fight so that's probably another reason I'm getting an easy time of it.
  • Bio-E elite spear
    (The Flesh Architect's Incisor from the Cyber Bio-E set)
  • maxed Submunition Distributor skill
    (from Cybernetic skill tree, increasing proc rates)
  • a 3rd tier weapon charm called the Epic Necrotizing Focus
    (ranged necrotizing!)
  • an orange rune that increases status effect chance by 1% while using a 2-hander.
    (couldn't find a web source for this one)

Whatever the game is, when I have a character hit max level, and all that's left is to complete equipment, I find I lose a bit of the playing enjoyment. I mean, I'm killing off all these foes that are worth no points, and might drop usable loot once every week of daily playing. I get a bit of a rush I guess, when I see the xp meter going up, the whole carrot on a stick thing maybe. At least at some point, I will get more points to spend, guaranteed. This loot collection thing is really random and irritating, it just gets to me.

Anyways, I haven't seen the usual bunch playing this game and there's rumblings from my friends about playing the next game coming out, so that might be it for Too Human. But dammit it would have been nice to have a full set of elite armor for that missing achievement.

In the Norn's Favor seems to be well covered in this thread, still have to do this one too:

Hall of Heroes (4 wells total)
Well#1: Compulsory
Well#2: Opens the 3 doors to the two arenas and the obelisk
Well#3: Below the balcony 2 rooms further in from well#2.
Well#4: Compulsory

Ice Forest (4 wells total)
Well#5: After first jump, break the wall to your right
Well#6: Compulsory
Well#7: Compulsory
Well#8: After speaking to Hod, turn around and go back the way you came, it's behind you.

World Serpent (4 wells total)
Well#9: Compulsory
Well#10: Compulsory
Well#11: In section 3-4 it's in the first room after the indoor bridge, down a ramp at the far end on the left.
Well#12: Compulsory

Helheim (5 wells total)
Well#13: After the APCs blow the front doors off, enter and keep left, it's at the far end.
Well#14: Keep following the long walkways to the next open area, it's down a tunnel to your right at the far end, or you can reach it earlier by taking the first turning on your right which leads to the same tunnel.
Well#15: Next open area has two walkways turning left at the far end. Cross them, turn left towards the next set of doors, then keep to the right, there's a craftily hidden very short ramp going down to the well on the right hand side.
Well#16: After beating Garm and riding the lift up, blast open the wall on the right side, the well is in the room revealed.
Well#17: Compulsory.

Aesir (1 well)
Well#18: Leads to Cyberspace in the Hall of the World Tree.

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